Gestione del credito e conformità normativa

Credit management and regulatory compliance

Credit governance in the utilities sector takes the form of a complex and articulated management process, subject to stringent regulatory provisions issued by ARERA. The complexity of these provisions necessarily…
Gestione del credito dall'approccio manuale all'automazione

Credit management: from manual approach to automation

Effective credit management is one of the pillars of business success. Businesses are faced with a strategic choice: remain anchored in traditional methodologies or embrace technological innovation to optimize their…
Tecnologia e recupero crediti

Technology and debt collection

The technological revolution in debt collection: how innovation is transforming the industry In recent years , technology has revolutionized many industries, including traditionally conservative ones such as debt collection. This…
Bonifici istantanei gratuiti: recupero crediti più veloce

Free instant transfers: faster debt collection

Free instant transfers: faster debt collection The introduction of free instant credit transfers for all euro area citizens and businesses, approved by the European Parliament and the EU Council, is…
workflow dinamico 2.0

Dynamic Workflow 2.0

The Dynamic Workflow 2.0: optimizing credit control with AI for efficient control checks In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened new horizons for business innovation, especially…
recupero crediti stragiudiziale

Debt collection in the B2C sector

Introduction Debt collection is a complex and delicate activity that requires specific skills and a thorough knowledge of current regulations. In the case of B2C debt collection, that is, in…
scritta velocizzare il recupero crediti

3 ways to speed up debt collection

Debt collection is critical to the financial success of any business, but it can be complex. This is where innovative strategies and solutions come into play to accelerate and simplify…