
Dashboard creditsuite

Governing Recovering Soliciting

Credit management is an essential element of business success; it is capable of generating a range of financial benefits that produce added value.

Yet in many realities this concept has yet to be understood and developed. Traditional management systems see credit as an accounting element and not as a fundamental process aimed at ensuring sustainability and marginality.

Controlling the dynamics associated with credit management is often seen as a secondary issue and, consequently, addressed only when credit is not collected.


Benefits of using the platform for credit governance
Comprehensive credit governance
Automation of recovery actions
DSO reduction and % expired
Automatic process management
Compliance with regulations

Main features

Multi company, multi product/service

Dynamic workflow by company, customer, product

Insurance and credit management

Automatic document generation

Solicitations, warnings, injunctions, lawyers.

Integrated multichannel communications

Pec, email, PA invoice, registered mail, text messages, telegrams.

Integration with databases

Siatel, Telemaco, Cerved, etc.

Funzionalità CS

Dynamic reporting

Over 160 reports

Payment reconciliation management

SEPA, banking (PSD2 standard), postal, PAGOPA.

Customizable in every aspect

Automation of credit procedures


Accounts receivable and activity alert with organizational, regulatory and normative rules management.

Automatic collection with reminders by customer/credit type

Ticketing, complaint handling and response

Installment and return plans

Contract closure management

Overdue file creation and entrustment to recovery company

Phase management

Extrajudicial, judicial, executive and enforcement.

Documentation and paperwork management

Our vision and mission

Bid template

Support end-to-end infrastructure outsourcing activities through a hybrid cloud offering that also includes managed services.

Legal Services

Ongoing assistance

Dedicated and specialized services

Limited investment

Do you want to see the platform in operation? Book your demo